Pension Poteri Review
Pension Poteri

Address : Pension Poteri, Ito, Japan

Pension Poteri Featuring a ride-on miniature train track in the garden, Pension Poteri in Ito has an indoor public hot spring bath overlooking trees. Free Wi-Fi, table football and barbecue facilities are available.The air-conditioned rooms include Western-style beds, a TV and desk. Yukata robes can be rented.A set menu Japanese breakfast is on offer in the dining room featuring floor-to-ceiling windows.Izu Syaboten Park and the dormant volcano Mount Omuro are 2.3 km away from Poteri Pension.Jyogasaki Kaigan Train Station, on the Izukyuko line, is 2.2 km away and there is free parking on site.

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Pension Poteri Review

Pension Poteri Review

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il Ministro del lavoro e della previdenza sociale sulle vicende gestionali che possono interessare lesercizio di poteri di intervento e vigilanza; b)

